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Sodium Potassium ATPase Interactions
Published by Anonymous on 2007/9/29 (2332 reads)
1: Biosci Rep. 2000 Apr;20(2):51-91.

Na+, K+-ATPase isozyme diversity; comparative biochemistry and physiological implications of novel functional interactions.

Mobasheri A, Avila J, Cózar-Castellano I, Brownleader MD, Trevan M, Francis MJ, Lamb JF, Martín-Vasallo P.

Department of Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, University of Liverpool.

Na+, K+-ATPase is ubiquitously expressed in the plasma membrane of all animal cells where it serves as the principal regulator of intracellular ion homeostasis. Na+, K+-ATPase is responsible for generating and maintaining transmembrane ionic gradients that are of vital importance for cellular function and subservient activities such as volume regulation, pH maintenance, and generation of action potentials and secondary active transport. The diversity of Na+, K+-ATPase subunit isoforms and their complex spatial and temporal patterns of cellular expression suggest that Na+, K+-ATPase isozymes perform specialized physiological functions. Recent studies have shown that the alpha subunit isoforms possess considerably different kinetic properties and modes of regulation and the beta subunit isoforms modulate the activity, expression and plasma membrane targeting of Na+, K+-ATPase isozymes. This review focuses on recent developments in Na+, K+-ATPase research, and in particular reports of expression of isoforms in various tissues and experiments aimed at elucidating the intrinsic structural features of isoforms important for Na+, K+-ATPase function.

Publication Types:
Comparative Study
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 10965965 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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